Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hello all,

I just wanted to thank everyone who has messaged
me about the site looking how it does right know.
I am working on gettin it back to how it should
be but if you all could bare with me I would
appreciate it. I hold a pro account for my photo
bucket and I cant renew it till Friday or
Saturday because someone tried to steal my
credit card and I am waiting on a new one to get
here and I would just have put it on my pay pal but
I just transfered all but $1.00 out of it when I
found out about my credit card so they didnt try to
get my pay pal as well.Lmbo how ironic is that since
my photobucket is only $2.99 lmbo

I am also retiring some of my old kits and am going to
make a few of my old PTU kits FTU. I am also going to
update a few older kits as well.

Also I am working on a new Valentine kit I hope to
get up as well.

I hope you all have a great day.



Gothic Inspirations said...

Awww hun, I'm so sorry. :( Sending hugs your way.

@TheOtherRosie said...

I'm sorry for your troubles, but I really can't complain when someone says "From PTU to FTU"

Love and all the best to you,

Chatita said...

I understand Trish, the same happened to me Monday... grrrr I'm also transfering all my images to ImageShack.. works better and it's free :)